Poland never agreed to form an alliance against the Soviets

“Poland never agreed to form an alliance against the Soviets. Piłsudski always used to say: ‘normalization yes, but alliance no’. It was a consistent element in Poland’s message throughout their discussions with German representatives. Meanwhile, Hitler wanted to go to war, and he did not want stability in Europe”, says Krzysztof Rak, managing director of…

Biskupin – A discovery that shocked archeology

At a time when, according to Livy, Romulus was being founded in Rome, an impressive castle was also being built far in the north, testifying to the high level of development of the people living in the area. The discovery of a settlement in Biskupin turned out to be one of the most important events…

For Germans, the beginning of the war is still 22 June 1941

There was a mass absolution in East Germany of its Nazi past, says Wolfgang Templin, former director of the Heinrich Böll Foundation in Warsaw and recepient of the European Solidarity Centre Medal in 2010. It’s just that only those acknowledging the Communist interpretation of history were absolved. Mikołaj Mirowski: First came the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, then…

The Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact was an alliance

The essence of this agreement was not an open and public non-aggression pact, and thus similar to many other documents of this type signed in the interwar period, but a secret protocol on the division of Central and Eastern Europe says Prof. Mariusz Wołos, a historian from the Polish Academy of Sciences and the Pedagogical…

Warsaw became a true capital in 1920

The history of Warsaw still raises many questions, especially if we look at it through the prism of today’s experiences. Błażej Brzostek, author of the book “Wstecz. Historia Warszawy do początku” (“Backwards. A history of Warsaw to the beginning”) talks about the changing directions of the city’s development, giving historical understanding of the capital city…

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