Art and material culture can be important sources of knowledge about parliaments

What can art or products of material culture tell us about parliamentary culture? How was early modern parliamentary culture reflected in cultural heritage sites and what conclusions can modern parliaments draw from early modern parliamentarism? These issues are discussed by Paulina Kewes, Professor of English Literature at the University of Oxford, who is Principal Investigator…

The 101st anniversary of Józef Piłsudski’s becoming First Marshal of the independent Poland

“Until Piłsudski’s assumption of this title, the title of marshal did not exist in the Polish military tradition”, says Professor Włodzimierz Suleja. How did it happen that Józef Piłsudski became First Marshal of the independent Poland?   Józef Piłsudski is one of the most distinguished figures involved in the restoration of sovereignty after the First…

1919: the founding year of the Polish state

The development of a new political landscape in Central Europe after World War I was by no means something temporary. About probably the most difficult moments in the modern history of Poland and about the irrationality of a fragmented history we talk to Professor Andrzej Chwalba. polishhistory: How did Poland in 1919 differ from other countries…

Walery Sławek: Piłsudski's closest aide

Walery Sławek, conspirator, intelligence officer, and thrice Poland’s prime minister. When a bomb exploded in his hands, he lost his left eye, the hearing in one ear and several fingers. Two years later, his fiancée died, leaving him a bachelor until the end of his days. As a politician, he used to say that “it…

Prof. Tomasz Schramm: Anders' generation used their chance almost 100%

Anders was a representative of the generation which, thanks to active work in the interwar period, could then pass the story of free Poland to following generations of Poles. Therefore, after the Second World War, Anders served as a representative  of Polish independence. However, it was only symbolic for many years and remained so until…

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