A Covert Action: Reagan, the CIA, and the Cold War Struggle in Poland

After the introduction of martial law, the CIA launched a program to support the underground movement “Solidarity” with a budget of approximately $20 million. Throughout 1983-1990, money and specialized equipment flowed into Poland. In his book, Seth G. Jones pulls back the curtain on these sensational maneuvers. by Tomasz Kozłowski   The emergence of “Solidarity”…

Życie codzienne Polaków w Generalnym Gubernatorstwie w świetle ogłoszeń drobnych polskojęzycznej prasy niemieckiej [Poles’ daily life in the General Government in the light of classified ads of the Polish-language German press]

If you look into it carefully, the lens that is the classifieds of the time of the Nazi occupation, acquires bloody veins – as if it were not a tool made of cool glass, but a lens. by Wojciech Stanisławski   What can we do? We live. We live lives, which means we reside somewhere,…

Becoming a Queen in Early Modern Europe. East and West

For the new book by Katarzyna Kosior, Becoming a Queen in Early Modern Europe: East and West the author carefully studied ceremonial and quasi-ceremonial events (she does not specify, however, what she understands by the term “ceremonial”) in the lives of women who are to become queens in 16th-century France and Poland. The ways in…

Sojusz Piłsudski – Petlura. Dokumenty i materiały [Alliance of Pilsudski – Petlura. Documents and Archive Materials]

Many new studies on the political circumstances of the Polish-Bolshevik war have been published on the anniversary of that conflict. Usually, a hundred years will suffice to find and declassify most of the source documents that deserve publication (well, unless we’re dealing with Russian archives). And yet, Sojusz Piłsudski – Petlura. Dokumenty i materiały (Alliance…

Facts and myths of Polish Eastern policy during the breakthrough period

The history of Polish transformation and the first years of the Third Republic of Poland never ceases to attract the attention of academics. Paweł Kowal, a well-known expert, researcher and politician (currently a member of the Sejm and earlier, among other positions, the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs) has also turned his attention to the…

Antykomunistycznego podziemia portret zbiorowy 1945-1956 [Portrait of an anti-communist resistance in post-war Poland]

Anti-communist resistance in post-war Poland remains a widely debated subject of contemporary Polish historiography and politics of memory. Despite the growing number of publications dedicated to the anti-communist partisans and the lip-service paid to their commemoration, we still know very little about the subjective experience of their struggle. The new book by Mariusz Mazur aims…

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